Toll Free: 800-387-BIRD (2473)
Call: 209-835-5654
Top Five Most Asked Questions
About Bird Control
01 Do you hurt the birds?
No. All Nation Wide Bird Control installations are humane and designed to physically exclude birds from structures. We do not trap, poison, shoot or otherwise harm the pest birds on the buildings we treat for bird control problems.
02 Is it expensive?
We know we are competitive in our field of bird control. If a bird control job is done cheap but doesn’t work-is it really cheap? We provide guaranteed results for our bird control work at fair prices. When weighed against, for example, cleaning costs to remove bird droppings, ruined paint jobs, dirty windows covered with bird poop, health and safety hazards (see below) presented by bird besting materials and slippery bird droppings, the cost for bird abatement is very reasonable. When spread over our five year warranty period, the annual cost of bird related cleanup can often be saved within the first one or two years of installation of bird control products.
Much of the equipment we need to use is expensive to operate. With the safety of our bird control crews a high priority, we do not cut corners when it comes to accessing areas where pest birds typically roost -- sometimes hundreds of feet off the ground.
At Nation Wide Bird Control we carry liability insurance and workers comp insurance. We train our bird control technicians in a wide range of applications from bird control product installation to job site safety and operation of high reach equipment. These measures, and many others, are designed to ensure quality work performed in a safe, consistent and predictable manner. We encourage clients to compare other pest and bird control companies with us. If they can get the same products, customer service and guarantee from another company, we say 'Go for it'.
03 Why remove the birds-are they dangerous?
Bird droppings carry several diseases. Among them are salmonella, fowl typhoid, blastomycosis, histoplasmosis and over 60 others. Most pest birds -- pigeons, sparrows, starlings and swallows included -- also carry mites which can invade living spaces and inflict bites similar to fleas.
Bird droppings are highly acidic-we've all seen what a bird dropping left on a car roof for a few days can do to the paint. We have seen sheetmetal flashing eaten through by accumulated droppings, paintwork ruined, drains blocked and windows stained. Wet bird droppings can be a slip and fall hazard as well as unsightly. Patrons entering a restaurant will wonder at the conditions in the kitchen if they have to step over a pile of bird droppings to get in the door.
04 Is your work guaranteed?
Nation Wide Bird Control offers a five year performance guarantee on all bird barrier installations. Other companies may claim a ten year guarantee, but as we have already made clear, we are one of the only companies that actually honors its guarantees. If you have a ten year guarantee and the contractor refuses to respond, it isn’t worth much to you.
Most bird control installations, if left undisturbed, will last ten years or more. Our bird control product suppliers guarantee their products for five years and we stand behind that with our installation warranty.
Just think, you buy an $80,000.00 Mercedes car and they give you a three year/36,000mile warranty. Our bird control products are stuck on buildings, exposed to the elements 365 days a year, sun, wind and rain, with zero maintenance required and we give you a five year/unlimited mile warranty. You don’t even need to come in for an oil change!
05 Are the products invisible?
All our bird abatement installations are low in visibility. Our goal is to provide effective bird control with minimal impact on the aesthetics of the structure that we are treating. Most of the time, the general public is unaware of a bird abatement installation right in front of them. Did you know that the balcony overlooking the Mall and the Washington Monument on the US Capitol Building in Washington DC has a large panel of bird netting covering it? This balcony, featured on the news almost every night, underneath the Capitol dome, was treated a few years ago for sparrow and starlings by Nation Wide Bird Control. A 100’ x 50’ panel of ¾” mesh bird net was installed over the entire face of the area. Very few people, even tourists close to the building, notice the net.

Bird droppings around A/C unit corrode wires and damage unit.
Bird droppings are a
turn-off for customers
Acidic bird droppings corrode pipes
plus leave a mess on cars/people below
Other pest bird annoyance factors to consider include: noise, flies and other parasites associated with bird droppings, plus aggressive bird behaviors, particularly in starlings and gulls.